Saturday, February 11, 2017

BCAEA General Meeting Oct 22nd 2016

BCAEA Board of Directors
Regular Meeting - Oct. 22, 2016

Attending: Tony, Aphinity, Faye, Carthage, Mediar
Regrets: Rhari
Multiple members of the public

The board confirmed and regretfully accepted the resignation of Trapa from the board.

Community Rep Election
Faye will send out an email in the coming days to solicit nominations for the Community Rep for 2016-17. The Board will hold an online vote for the position among staff members at that point.

VancouFur 2018 Chair Nominations
Tony will send an email to staff and we will solicit nominations from staff and the community to develop a list of potential chair candidates for 2018. Broadening the nominating pool will hopefully encourage greater participation and provide a wider spread of candidates to select from.
Deadline for selection of the 2018 Chair will be end of December.

New Board member
The issue of the eighth Board member was discussed. Only one nominee accepted the nomination, therefore
Aphinity moved
Mediar seconded
That Pdawg be selected to the 8th position on the BCAEA Board of Directors.
The motion passed unanimously.
It was determined that the Board will not fill the position opened by Trapa’s resignation until the regular election cycle in June. The position would be opened up at that time as Trapa’s second term would have ended at that time anyhow.

Discussion of taxes and other accounting issues
The Board is investigating how, as a not-for-profit society, it will be required to handle tax reporting and filing. Faye volunteered to look into the situation and will report to the board at a later date as to how we should approach this issue.

Mediar left the meeting at this point.

Harassment and abuse discussions
Faye reported that she had spoken to one of the people who had suffered alleged harassment/abuse and whose case was brought forward as part of the recent policy-related issues. The person reported that a ban was not necessarily and that they understood that we cannot police what happens outside of the convention. Faye offered the person support at the convention should they require it, and the person was reportedly comfortable with the overall response.
Aphinity noted that much of the current issues could have been avoided had the board connected with the reporting person and reiterated that he feels the board should take a personal approach to such reports. Carthage agreed that the board should hear out what these people bring to us. Faye said that many issues are not malicious and could likely be mitigated with some sort of consent training such as what she has suggested as potential for the convention.

Potential future events hosted by the Board
Aphinity reported that the Executive Burnaby may be interested in hosting a new years party if we could arrange something. The Board is going to look into the potential of funding and hosting such an event this year. A survey is being considered to determine interest within the community. Temrin offered to provide graphics and art.
A bowling meet is also possible; Aphinity will look into that more once Howloween is over.
Zen suggested skating days as possible fun events.
Faye said that a yearly video showing fun activities that the BCAEA has promoted could be used as a recruiting tool for event staff and to get the board’s name out in the community more effectively.

Aphinity moved the meeting be closed. Unanimous.

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